Topic: How do people learn how to ,,lewdify?" various creatures?

Posted under Art Talk

For example how do people make deathclaws or some cryptids like wendigos or mothman hot? Is it about mastering human anatomy and then mastering drawing many different animals? Are there any other forums or places where i could get guides or answers for this kind of question?

Step 1: Be a sick freak
Step 2: Look at a monster and go "hot"
Step 3: Break out the art supplies
Step 4: ?????
Step 5: Profit

defiler said:
I wish it was that easy.

post #1249761 post #4134711 post #4546655 post #1186048
it doesn't matter how you lewdify them. just do it in a way that you like. sure there may be some that won't like it but there would still the few that do

the way you draw them would be your style and that can change over time.
just do it and polish your skills

you can't get better if you don't try

The easy way is boobs and butts. It's tried and true, people like it, hard to go wrong with ol' reliable.
The way I learned to make monsters sexy is to understand them on a fundamental level, and to personify them in a way that feels accurate for the design. pb472 has a way of personifying dragons and monsters in a way that doesn't over-anthropomorphize them and lose the monstery vibe.
Honestly, just do what feels right. If you want to anthropomorphize them, go for it. If you want to keep them monstery, all the better. More monsters is always good.

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