Topic: unable to view posts, tried EVERYTHING in every fix it post!!!

Okay So far I've tried every browser I could think of including, safari, chrome, IE, mozilla, and opera.

Also I have used about:config to change the value of my sendreferrerheader to 2.

I've reformatted my computer in hopes it would fix it, nothing still.

Please do NOT give me links to any fix it forum posts since I've literally tried ALL of them except a few things.

Some things I tried yet (because I do NOT know how and nobody ever gives detailed steps on how to do it) are checking my blacklisted things, because I dont know what that is or what it even means. I have cleared my cache because of the same thing. I am terrible with computers so if steps arent posted it wont be of any help.

Please help!!! I miss e621 and dont want to abandon it.

Updated by WolfieWolfie1992